Speak II - William McLaughlin
CHOREOGRAPHY William McLaughlin
DANCERS Kalia Bing, Erica Harris, Christopher Henry, Nadia Issa, Kareem Lewis, Miguel Lilly, Olivia Link, Emma Mulvey-Welsh, Meri Quirazi, Frangeli Ramirez, Britney Rodriguez, Genesis Rodriguez, Nashaya Wornum
COSTUMES Penney Pinette
SECTION I Recording: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. — Excerpt from speech delivered on 3 April, 1968, Mason Temple, Memphis, TN, in support of the striking sanitation workers
SECTION II Recording: Robert F. Kennedy — Remarks on the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered on 4 April 1968, Indianapolis, IN
SECTION III Music by Daniel Bernard Romaine
SPEAK, originally choreographed in 2009, was conceived as an exploration of the male experience in our current culture. Research for this piece involved accessing the experiences of the original cast members through embodied research and shaping those experiences into movement through improvisational exercises.